Form Generator
Up arrow sets red to maximum
Down arrow sets red to 0
Left arrow decrements red by 10
Right arrow increments red by 10
Occasionally, you'll need to click the drawing itself to regain control
Initial Sketch
The design process for this sketch was inspired by the simplistic and effective paintings of Gerhard Richter. Using a for() loop, the sketch iterates a grid of boxes whose width and height directly correlate to the mouse position. Moreover, the sketch allows for the user to control the colors using muse position and arrow keys to maximize interactivity and let anyone create their own personalized set of boxes.
The process of the drawing itself was almost entirely figuring out how best to implement randomness while still conveying a sense of clear intention. To do so, I experimented with the redraw() function and set it to correspond to any provided user input; without it, the drawing is a constantly flickering headache machine. The implementation of user variables extended into the for() loop itself, something I've never tried before and my largest caveat with how the sketch turned out. If I knew how, I would definitely prefer to only have boxes expand to the point at which they fill the screen and not cut off abruptly at the bounds of the sketch.